Dragon ball Z and stuff

Transformers and stuff

Pics and stuff

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DragonballZ stuff

Unda constuction


Dragonball Z
Here are my collection of Dragon ballZ gifs featuring my Favorite characters.

The main character of DbZ and of course the most powerful!!
Later on in dragonball Z, the Z team learn how to merge with each other, and this is my favorite merge and favorite overall character, Trunks and Goten form the create GOTENKS!!
Vegeta the hot headed arsehole of the Z team. He was origanally was an enemy but has became a good guy (well sort of). He's always picking a fight with goku as hes kinda pissed that Gokus more powerful than him.

Son of goku another powerful saiyan warrior
Every wierd cartoon needs its green alien, and here he is Piccolo. He is a namekian, from plaent Namek (DER!) which was destroyed while Goku was fighting Freiza
Bad guy who thinks he is the most powerful guy in the universe, gets crap beaten out of him by Goku (thorugh about 100 fucking episodes) only to appear for a couple more and get chopped in half by Trunks' massive sword.
This is yet another bad guy that thinks he is the most powerful person in the universe. The story line is a bit confusing so here it is in a nut shell.

He is from the future and is made up of all the Z teams, Frieza's and freiza's dad's DNA. Therefore he is quite powerful. But to become perfect he needs to obsorb two androids which go by the names of 17 (Guy android) and 18 (girl android). He procedes to absorb 17 and then from Vegeta being an arsehole (as he normally is) he obsorbs 18. He then starts a tornament (why I have no I Idea). Then in this tornament he kills a few people (Namely Goku and Trunks) and then gets blasted to hell by a super saiyan Gohan. Got that??