Welcome to my mind!!!

Transformers and stuff

Pics and stuff

Bands and stuff

DragonballZ stuff

Unda constuction


This is my web-site on my, life and stuff I like!!
Due to recent complaints this warning has been posted. This web-site conatins explicit language and images from the twisted mind of one Adrian J. Marklew. Therefore only those whom are mature (or fucked in the head) may continue reading. As for those others whom believe that my thoughts are "shit" you can go ram a knife up your asses. Also to those who wish to complain about the contents of this site, go tell someone who cares. And if the images or coments in this site you have seen, read, or heard before it is either because:
A/ I copied someone else;
B/ You did something to me and you deserve what you get;
C/I love you (or did) But then did I ??
Thank you for your time
My Music
I am a rock fan therefore I listen to rock (der). I listen to nu-metal, Punk, Ska and pop rock. My favorite bands range from Pop-punk rockers like Greenday or Blink 182 to hardcore nu-metalers like One minute silence and glass jaw. see my about page for more

My hobbies
I play drums in a band (well sort of) when we get going properly we hope to sound like greenday clones, by the way we are called Blue Joker. I also blade (Well sort of) I need to buy some good-dam blades first!!! I like manga and japanese animations I think they are great. I also have a strange obsession with transformers!!!
And of course the obvious!

Robots in disguise
mail me